First let me explain in short what is Chakras and why they are so important to us. This way you can see how Reiki and Yoga fit in.
In Yoga we have 7 Chakras; the word Chakra in Sanskrit came from word wheel or turning. These Chakras are our 7 energy spots that are located in specific areas of our body and represent specific colors. Each Chakra serves it’s own purpose of energy and when we are completely balanced in all Chakras our energy flows freely through our bodies. Our organs are functioning properly, and we have a great amount of energy and positive outlook on life. Unfortunately, many of us have some Chakras blocked due to certain traumas or hard situations we had in life and it can affect how we feel or even create difficulties in personal life. It can happen from stress at work, from feeling manipulated to a point where you are afraid to speak up, unpleasant situations at home and seriously damaging traumas from emotional, verbal, or physical abuse. You may start to feel depressed, you may notice that you are always tired or get sick easily. So, what exactly does it mean? Well, when our body has poor blood circulation we know it causes body to shut down in that area. The same principle goes for energy flow – once we have a block our organs and body parts no longer receive enough energy to keep us healthy and vibrant. Those that might have these blocks for a long time eventually may manifest into serious illnesses. To learn more about Chakras click here .
In Yoga we have 7 Chakras; the word Chakra in Sanskrit came from word wheel or turning. These Chakras are our 7 energy spots that are located in specific areas of our body and represent specific colors. Each Chakra serves it’s own purpose of energy and when we are completely balanced in all Chakras our energy flows freely through our bodies. Our organs are functioning properly, and we have a great amount of energy and positive outlook on life. Unfortunately, many of us have some Chakras blocked due to certain traumas or hard situations we had in life and it can affect how we feel or even create difficulties in personal life. It can happen from stress at work, from feeling manipulated to a point where you are afraid to speak up, unpleasant situations at home and seriously damaging traumas from emotional, verbal, or physical abuse. You may start to feel depressed, you may notice that you are always tired or get sick easily. So, what exactly does it mean? Well, when our body has poor blood circulation we know it causes body to shut down in that area. The same principle goes for energy flow – once we have a block our organs and body parts no longer receive enough energy to keep us healthy and vibrant. Those that might have these blocks for a long time eventually may manifest into serious illnesses. To learn more about Chakras click here .
Below I will mention the styles of yoga that teach. This doesn't mean that this is only yoga styles available. There are many yoga styles and it seems like more and more keep getting born. So if you are interested to learn about more yoga styles, check out this link yoga styles glossary
Hatha Yoga
The Hatha Yoga tradition is rooted in classical Yoga and centered in the Yoga Sutras of the great sage Patangali (c. 200 BCE), which is called the Yoga Darshana or Yoga philosophy, in which the greater system of Yoga can be found. Patanjali’s Yoga is called Raja Yoga or the royal Yoga because of its high level of teaching. It is called Ashtanga Yoga (not to be confused with Ashtanga style of yoga) or eight – limbed Yoga, because of it’s eight levels of practice. This style of yoga includes everything that yoga is about on physical and mental level. When practicing Hatha style yoga it involves slow stretching exercises part of various types of postures (asanas), with some breathing techniques and some meditation. It’s a great way to get into this style of yoga if you are new to it, and to get familiar with postures. |
Eight Limbs of Yoga
In Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ancient text of the philosophy behind yoga, there are eight limbs of yoga. Each one of those limbs relate to an aspect of achieving a healthy, harmonious and fulfilling life. To achieve it you have to practice each one of those limbs in order- before you can get to the highest level – enlightenment. 1. Yama: Behavior Five guidelines of behavior towards others: I. Ahimsa : Nonviolence, non- harming II. Satya: Truthfulness, not lying III. Asteya: Non stealing IV. Brahmacharya: Non lust V. Aparigraha: Non possessiveness (greed) 2. Niyama: Life style development Five guidelines of behavior towards oneself: I. Shaucha: Cleanliness and purity II. Santosha: Contentment III. Tapas: Sustained practice, self discipline IV. Svadhyaya: Self study V. Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender to the Divine 3. Asana : Yoga Postures 4. Pranayama: Control of Prana, breathing exercise 5. Pratyahara: Control of the senses 6. Dharana: Concentration, inner awareness 7. Dhyana: Meditation, devotion 8. Samadhi: Union with Divine, realization |
Vinyasa Yoga
The word Vinyasa means: breath synchronized movement. This style of yoga is more of a constant movement, instead of staying in the pose for a long time. Almost always it will include sun salutations, stretching and even chanting- depending on the teacher style. This class could be slow or fast passed, and can have many varieties of moves. This style of yoga feels like dancing through the postures, as you get in sync with the breath and body. |
Power Yoga Power yoga is considered more of a vigorous, fitness-based approach to Vinyasa style yoga. It’s has more emphasis on strength and flexibility. This class is good for those that want to move and sweat to keep fit. At Intune Body and Spirit I combine Power Yoga with Vinyasa flow, where you get a good amount of balancing poses, strengthening poses and flexibility. |
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga will help keep you healthy because it integrates and balances all the body system. It keeps the body supple, stretches the spine, strengthens the muscles and massages vital organs. Also, energy level increases; posture improves, cardiovascular efficiency increases, releases stress, weight normalizes, muscle toning, sleep improves and so much more.
At the moment I offer meditation and restorative yoga only.
Yoga will help keep you healthy because it integrates and balances all the body system. It keeps the body supple, stretches the spine, strengthens the muscles and massages vital organs. Also, energy level increases; posture improves, cardiovascular efficiency increases, releases stress, weight normalizes, muscle toning, sleep improves and so much more.
At the moment I offer meditation and restorative yoga only.
Intune Body and Spirit is located in Elizabeth NJ.
© Copyright Intune Body and Spirit 2019
© Copyright Intune Body and Spirit 2019