Life..... Yes, it's just a four letter word, seems so simple and yet LIFE is so big, so hard, so complex, so emotional at times, so painful, so grueling, at times lonely and confusing and so full of beautiful moments at the same times, full of laughter, joy, special moments, excitement, new beginnings, precious moments, connecting and bonding moments, love and happiness. Ahhh...... LIFE, there is so much to it and so many of us let one side by pass us without noticing it while we are too busy concentrating on the other side of it and vice versa.
Yes, I too am one of them who let it all get by me so many times because I got too busy with other life's worries and demands and concentrated on those things way too much. However, lets take a moment here and pause...... Did I mention that life is short? I am not saying that life will always be easy and perfect but lets look at things from a more spiritual point and find the balance on how to make it work more with the purpose. Our souls journey is to learn/ remember / advance – whatever you want to believe or call it. Point is in our physical bodies we are more able to feel the physical pain and emotions but in spiritual form (which we apparently forgot how it feels when we entered physical form) we get to know how we are connected to universe, how our souls/spirits are unlimited and how we are pure energy... and how we ARE energy of light and love always. So lets talk about when we are here in physical form... in LIFE as we call it. I speak from my personal understanding from personal experiences, from things I have learned when I had received messages from the spiritual guides and from many books I have in my library that I have read on the whole spiritual journey of the souls. So please understand I do not speak of things claiming to be a prophet or wise man. I share my knowledge and you are welcome to believe it, discard it or just read it and move on. Yes, I believe we have lived many life’s and we have chosen each one of them ourselves to give our soul to learn different lessons. But I will write a different blog about that later ( be patient). What I want to speak about is us, here letting our life by-pass us, when what we should be doing is connecting back to our soul’s true purpose. As I had mentioned before in our physical form we do experience things more on emotional and physical level. Now imagine how hard it is for us when we deal with daily life events that affect us emotionally and physically. We deal with heartbreaks, loss, anxiety, stress, sadness, happiness, joy and so on. All of these physical experiences we feel are for us to know what it is like to feel. Our physical body gets to feel this and it shapes us to act and react to things that we are dealing with in different ways. One person may deal with loss differently than the other; one person may deal differently with anxiety, happiness, joy, fear, disappointment and so on - than the other person. The point is to learn how to use these experiences to help ourselves balance our life in a better way; to receive these experiences in a way that it doesn’t consume our lives to a point where we only live with one side of existence but rather we live with these experiences to deepen our understanding of this amazing thing LIFE. So how should we find balance? Let’s say it’s time in your life when everything is not going well. Financial instability, bills, what to do with your life, career? All of that causes too much anxiety. We go on, usually stressing some more about this to a point where we now effect our sleep, eating pattern and quality time we chose to spend with loved ones or even by ourselves. Our heads get busy with so many worries, so many thoughts that all we can do now is only doubt more, which in effect makes us feel hopeless, which causes us to worry even more, depression sets in and it just consumes our lives. Our bodies get tense, which causes muscles to tighten, which in result causes us to have physical body pains, which in effect causes lack of sleep again bringing us to be awake in the middle of the night and think some more of all the problems we are continuing to create in our mind to be even bigger. The way we start to look at life is pretty gloomy, and the people in our lives start to look like they don’t understand us, and we are no longer happy with ourselves and therefore no longer believe in ourselves. Ohhhh, boy all this can make anyone depressed just reading this. But do you recognize some of the symptoms, some of the actions and thoughts you too may add when you deal with a simple anxiety that grew into something huge? Do you realize how much from one negative energy you allowed to let it grow into a big cloud of negativity that eventually consumed you. So what are we to do? How do we balance this? For one, I am not saying that it’s possible to avoid difficult situations or times when it may be hard. However, when we let all that take over us we literally create ourselves a life of never-ending torture, where we are constantly worried, constantly stressed and we don’t even realize that we let our life pass us by with us only living in that type of anxiety mode. Why do we do that to ourselves? Stressing about something will not make it go away, get fixed or get better. Why do we allow this to take over us and we don’t even realize how much we lose ourselves to this. How much we lose our life where we should find time to bring in love and positive but instead we only find time for all- this negative. We need to learn to create time and space each day to let go, no matter how stressful and anxious we are. To find time to see what is this situation trying to teach me? What am I to learn here or take away from this? How can I apply positive into this difficult situation and time? If you lost a job, take a day to relax and gather your thoughts from the loving and clear mind. Spend that day with those who you love, and let that positive time allow you to see a bigger picture. Life is short. Today I will enjoy my time with my family, or with just myself- where I will not stress or think about tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will wake up thinking positive and look for any opportunity available to make things work, because it can be much worse. This is what we need to do. Not waste away our life on negative, on things that only hurt us but in no way they serve us for the better. The more we are able to clear our mind, bring in positive thoughts and realize how much life is precious to be wasting on negative, the easier it will be to change our negative cycle and live with love in our hearts, love in our life and let that cycle be more prominent. If we already experience joy at a certain point in our lives then we too need to balance it by not becoming greedy with what we have but rather spread that love on to those who are in need. If all is going well for you, why not help out those who need support, those who are ill? The point of LIFE is not to live for just yourself but to learn through experiences we go through. And what a waste of life it would be if we can only experience all the good and not pay attention to how many around us need us to help. I don’t even mean to go give your money away, even though if you have some extra cash, then sure why not give it to a homeless when you can. But what I mean is if your family needs your extra time to help them, your co-worker needs your extra help to finish up, your anxious spouse, child, friend needs your love and happy energy to lift them up, support them, love them, and understand them. Don’t only give the time to yourself for things you love, but also give your volunteering time of free will- without expecting any rewards or recognition. Give that time with love, from your pure desires of wanting to be there to assist, love, inspire, cheer and support. It’s all about balance and it all comes to the same thing. LOVE. No matter what consumes you, we must do it with free will, with love and with clear mind. Mind that is willing to look at every experience as a tool to learn and advance our spiritual journey; not materialistic, egocentric reason to be recognized or to have things to consider as "self happy". That is why here in a physical form we are to experience everything in such strong ways, but it’s up to us on how we will use these experiences to really feel the LIFE. It’s you who will decide whether you want to spend it stressing and being negative, or if you want to correct yourself in time and bring yourself back to clear your mind and find that “love” that every soul posses and is made of and find more meaningful way of looking at life, finding your purpose even in a difficult situation to learn and advance your soul. Julia K. Love and Light my lovely souls <3
Photos from juliejordanscott, Jody McNary Photography, h.koppdelaney, Wallula Junction, Mister.Tee, !!!! scogle, SashaW, AlicePopkorn, Eddi van W., mkhandekar, Sam Solomon, jessebezz, andreasivarsson, Chris Walker Innerwealth, jhoc, 401(K) 2013, ramsesoriginal, Gibson Claire McGuire Regester, Johnath, Dan Lamper, Patrick Hoesly