9/25/2012 0 Comments Life's a Journey Not a Destination![]() Someone asked me today since I believed in re-carnation how did I view a life- as a journey or just a cycle that would come to end. There is a saying "life's a journey not a destination". I believe it is so, but once you go through your complete journey of many many lives and re -carnations, we DO get to a destination. And that destination is being a pure light, pure spirit where we no longer need to come back to earth as bodies. Once we reach the goal of paying all karmic debt, we can finally be in bliss of no worries, no disease, no pain. We can finally be just a being of light and then be the one to be the guiding spirit for others still suffering on earth. The journey continues in a new realm...... My friend then asked but why wouldn't you want to continue to experience life and all the fun. I explained to him that it's not the materialistic things that makes you happy in your soul. You don't need vacations, nice cars or nice clothes to give your soul a complete fulfillment of bliss. Once you are a spirit you are experiencing happiness all the time without having to need anything. You are a being of love, and your journey will continue but without all the suffering and need of earthy possessions. Julia Sh. Love and Light to you all :)
9/24/2012 0 Comments Digestive problems due to stress![]() Sometimes we have so much stress and anxiety that it puts a strain on our digestive system causing many runs to the bathroom. Stress affects our nervous system and can cause our stomachs to feel weak. To help ease these symptoms you can practice a few times a week the following postures in yoga. Childs pose with a twist, legs up the wall, shoulder stand; plow, seated twist and seated forward bend are some of the great poses to work with. Let’s not forget to breathe calmly during these exercises and one of my favorite breathing techniques during yoga practice is Ujjai breath,(check out one of my blogs about Ujjai breath also known as Ocean breath under the title Yoga Breathing).Take the time to also meditate to help your nerves to settle. Namaste Julia Sh. ![]() Sometimes we get side tracked with our daily routines, problems and worries. We get so caught up in the thoughts and emotions we forget to sit down and breathe. We have our minds running in million directions with all the drama and chaos that’s thrown in our face. By the end of the day you feel drained out, like the universe has sucked all that you have out of you and you are feeling hollow and still restless. Do you ever feel this way? I find this happening to me often, trying to find the solution, trying to make sure everyone is well taking care of around me, trying to save the world as if I’m in that big of a power. The truth of the matter is- we are just normal human beings, we have our own needs and we all want love and support in return. Sometimes being overly concerned with everything that’s going on doesn’t help, instead it makes us more anxious on how to resolve the problem and leaves us at a constant limbo with our thoughts and emotions. Going through something that’s worrisome, something that we feel we have to fix because no one else will -can be very draining to the soul and your spirit. Even if we feel we are the strongest and it’s up to us to fix everything, to take care of everyone and to make everyone happy we have to remember that we are no superman! We need the love, the support and the time to just be us. We need that hug and understanding that we are also just a being craving for that comfort, wanting to feel that for once someone will say “I got your back, I’ll take care of it, just relax”. Our soul, our mind and our body is taking a beating by constantly forcing ourselves to keep going, we don’t even realize at times how much pressure we put on ourselves to be the strong one, to be the logical one, to be the one to save the day. There comes a time where you are ready to give up, because you feel like there is nothing left to give and that’s because you haven’t taken the time to do something for yourself, to do what your soul desires. We need to step out of the hamster wheel for once, and go to the place where we feel comfort. Where you forget about your worries and you don’t feel like you have to keep running to tackle another task. Meditate with inspirational music, and speak to your soul- ask yourself where are you hurt, what makes you sad what do you feel is missing in your life. When you see what you really need- take the time to go towards those goals. If it’s you wanting to do something creative because it inspires you and makes you feel good, or you reading a book or taking special workshop classes that make you feel more spiritual. Whatever it is that sooth your soul and gets you closer to feeling complete- you have to do it. We need to find the time for our own selves, we need to understand what we desire, and we need to give ourselves that time to experience that warm soothing feeling of happiness. If we learn how to listen to what we need and give that time for ourselves we would live more balanced life. We wouldn’t feel so drained out and restless. Meditation where you can calm your mind and listen to your inner self, communication- where you let go of your emotions and feel support from loved ones and simply giving time for your own self to do something that inspires you and makes you feel good is what we need. Julia Sh 9/17/2012 0 Comments Stimulate Your Thyroid Gland![]() Thyroid is one of the most important glands in our body. It regulates our body function and gives the balance to our well being. Certain Yoga postures can help to stimulate the thyroid gland to help its proper functions. Here is a few poses you can do at home : Plow, Bridge, Supported Shoulder stand and Fish. Remember to not push your body if you can not do a pose, instead try to modify it. I am also including a video I had found on this subject. This is a beautiful video but a little bit advance and NOT for EVERYONE. So, please, please I ask you not to force yourself to do exactly to detail these moves if you are not as flexible. You can do these exercises without having to fold your legs in lotus pose, and you can do these inversions by using props under your back so you can stay longer in the pose to get the benefit of stimulating thyroid gland but not hurting your back or neck. Give it a try with gentleness in mind. Namaste Julia Sh. 9/10/2012 0 Comments Looking back into my mothers past![]() This Sunday while in meditation I had my grandfather on my mother side visit me in spirit. He had shown me things I couldn't have known myself. One of those things was my mother as a young girl. She was climbing over a fence while wearing a skirt and her skirt got caught on a top part of fence, ripping her skirt up. I thought I had to have this validated and so I asked my mother that evening. "Mom, did you ever as a child climb a fence wearing a skirt, and your skirt got caught and ripped?" My mom had huge eyes as she said "yes this did happen to me". To my excitement I had another validated experience as a medium. I feel like, I am opening up more and more to the amazing spiritual world right before me. I can't wait to share more stories with you as it goes on. This is going to become soon one of my most used services for those who want to connect with their loved ones. Love and Light to you all Julia Sh. ![]() Our loved ones are always near us. Even if we have lost them to the other side, their presence is always near. Sometimes they come to us to give us warnings and sometimes they come to just let us know that they are there and are looking down upon us. They see us when we struggle and they are happy with us when we have good things happen to us. Even though it is a hard thing to deal with knowing that we no longer have them in our physical world, we should still understand that they are still near us smiling down and cheering us on. Our loved ones get very happy when they can connect with us by sending messages to you that might feel as a gut feeling or just a warm feeling when we think of them. They can also come through when you are with a medium just to give you the message that they are here and still have great love for you. So, don’t get sad of the thought that you cannot have your loved one with you, instead smile with the thought that they are near you and can sense what you feel and think. Today was a great experience of a confirmation that there is still plenty of love coming from the other side. You know who you are, take that message and use it as your support. Love and Light Julia Sh. 9/5/2012 0 Comments Yoga Breathing![]() Ujjayi Pranayama or Ocean breath My favorite pranayama- breathing technique is Ocean breath also known as Ujjayi breath. It’s known as a balancing and calming breath which helps to increase oxygen to the lungs and builds internal body heat. It tones the lungs and helps a healthy flow of prana, while regulating blood pressure. It’s great to use this kind of breath when you have anxiety, when you need to calm yourself from a stressful situation, when you practice yoga and can also be used in meditation. Here is how it works: You inhale and exhale through your nose only, while you do that try to say “ha” with your mouth closed, do it slowly. As the throat passage is narrowed so is the airway- creating a hissing sound. By contracting you throat you create a balanced breathing, slowly taking in and out the oxygen and calming down the mind. Julia Sh |
Photos from juliejordanscott, Jody McNary Photography, h.koppdelaney, Wallula Junction, Mister.Tee, !!!! scogle, SashaW, AlicePopkorn, Eddi van W., mkhandekar, Sam Solomon, jessebezz, andreasivarsson, Chris Walker Innerwealth, jhoc, 401(K) 2013, ramsesoriginal, Gibson Claire McGuire Regester, Johnath, Dan Lamper, Patrick Hoesly