9/24/2012 0 Comments Digestive problems due to stressSometimes we have so much stress and anxiety that it puts a strain on our digestive system causing many runs to the bathroom. Stress affects our nervous system and can cause our stomachs to feel weak. To help ease these symptoms you can practice a few times a week the following postures in yoga. Childs pose with a twist, legs up the wall, shoulder stand; plow, seated twist and seated forward bend are some of the great poses to work with. Let’s not forget to breathe calmly during these exercises and one of my favorite breathing techniques during yoga practice is Ujjai breath,(check out one of my blogs about Ujjai breath also known as Ocean breath under the title Yoga Breathing).Take the time to also meditate to help your nerves to settle. Namaste Julia Sh.
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Photos from juliejordanscott, Jody McNary Photography, h.koppdelaney, Wallula Junction, Mister.Tee, !!!! scogle, SashaW, AlicePopkorn, Eddi van W., mkhandekar, Sam Solomon, jessebezz, andreasivarsson, Chris Walker Innerwealth, jhoc, 401(K) 2013, ramsesoriginal, Gibson Claire McGuire Regester, Johnath, Dan Lamper, Patrick Hoesly